Apartment 1 – NYC

Location: Central Park south, NYC

Land:80 sqm 

Structure Design:2004-2005

 Program:  1 bedroom Apartment

The apartment is located on the 37th floor of the ESSEX building at 59th Street south of the park. The apartment was designed for an architect and her partner, who use the apartment for their trips to the big city. The apartment has two spaces: a sleeping space and a living space, with the ability to connect them through sliding doors. A central pocket wall in the room between the two spaces into which doors can be inserted on both sides, actually detaches the apartment shell from any partition or wall and creates a wider and larger space perception, while the view always remains open and dominant. The existing view from this apartment towards the park is one of the most dramatic sights in the city, and it attracts most of the attention in this apartment. A clean and minimal design line was used with extensive use of very strong and warm colors, with a combination of classic parquet and wooden doors which gives a cozy feeling, that was the client’s guideline. 

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